Getting used to orthodontic treatment can be a challenge, and some soreness is normal when appliances are first used or as teeth shift. Thankfully, there are not many real orthodontic emergencies.

If you think something may be an emergency, evaluate the situation. Is it something small that you can handle until you come into our office again, or is it something serious that requires immediate attention?

Knowing how to differentiate can help you address the situation effectively and minimize discomfort. You can always visit Smile Patio Orthodontics and consult the emergency medical professionals in case you ever need. The experienced professionals available will offer you the right orthodontic treatments.

Types of orthodontic emergencies

If you are uncertain about an orthodontic issue, contact our team for guidance. Certain situations, such as severe pain or broken appliances, require immediate attention. Here are some emergencies to watch for.

1) Broken braces wire

You may experience pain by wearing any orthodontic device in the wrong way while eating any junk foods such as:

  • Hard candy
  • Nuts
  • Potato chips
  • Popcorn
  • Gum (sugar-free gum is permitted)
  • Hard rolls or bagels
  • Pizza crust
  • Ice
  • Crunchy fruit
  • Pretzels
  • Taco shells
  • Hard crackers
  • Crunchy vegetables

2) Corn on the cob

Eating tough or sticky food might break wires or brackets in your braces, which can hurt your mouth. In case that this occurs, hide any sharp edges and avoid abrasions by applying orthodontic wax.

3) Severe tooth pain

It is normal to feel your teeth loosening up as they move into their proper locations throughout orthodontic therapy. Despite being a natural step, one may experience a bit of pain.

One can use any pain medication available in the medical store. Also, use a cold compress for fifteen minutes.

Another successful home cure for sore mouths is to rinse several times a day with a mixture of eight ounces of warm water and one teaspoon of salt.

However, it’s imperative to get emergency care from your orthodontist right away if you experience severe pain or notice that a tooth feels unusually loose, especially following an impact from sports or an accident. This will help to avoid further difficulties.

4) Broken retainers

For the outcomes of your orthodontic treatment to last, your retainer is essential. It is crucial to remember that retainers can be brittle and may crack or flex.

Make an appointment for a replacement if you observe any damage, such as warping or a poor fit against your teeth.

Don’t panic if you inadvertently swallow a little fragment of a broken retainer while you’re distracted or sleeping most of the time, it passes through your digestive system undamaged.  

To protect your safety, however, get emergency medical help right away if you choke or have trouble breathing.

5) Headgear pain

When wearing headgear for the first time, little soreness is frequent, although it usually goes away with time.

If pain continues, think about using over-the-counter medication or seeing your orthodontist for revisions to guarantee a good fit.


Being aware of common orthodontic crises will help you properly manage discomfort. For your treatment to remain on course and your health to be given priority, always speak with your orthodontist in case of any serious problems.

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